Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A new AWESOME quiz...

This is stolen from John who says he stole it from facebook ...

What you do is, you type your name into google with the given word, and answer with your favourites!

Note: you can do this with your whole name, but since it doesn't work very well for me I've just gone with Amanda...

1. Amanda "needs"...
- YouTube - amanda needs to pee
well... I did need to pee but I've fixed that...
-Amanda C. Needs Some Direction « NewTeeVee
probably, I mean that's a fair comment ...
-Amanda needs to be loved - Carbone & Money - Opinion - theage.com.au
YES I DO. Well, I believe I am loved, but that doesn't change the fact that I need to be.
-Amanda needs a better storyline - All My Children Message Boards ...
Lols ... yes I do need a better storyline... I would love to write a book, but that storyline eludes me.

2. Amanda "looks like"
-Life in a Suitcase: Amanda looks like"Amanda looks like any nerd in school, but she is actually really smart and cool . She is smart because she knows everything about bugs"
Well, I don't actually know anything about bugs... despite people confusing Anthropology with a whole plethora of other professions including things to do with bugs. But I think I'm smart and cool ... which means I'm probably not...
-Stefani : photos : Christmas 2005 : Amanda looks like she is ...
Looks like she is what? I just had to click the link, and apparently "Amanda looks like she is pouting here"...

3. Amanda "says"
-Boy v. Girl Amanda says: As crazy as it sounds, we lie to make it seem like we're not Little Miss Bitch. If a dude asks us out and we're just not attracted, ..."
Well I'm not sure if that's true... well, probably...
-MySpace.com - Amanda says [{ Im so tired of bullshit!!}] - 20 ..
That's true...
-amanda says gimme that coffee drink on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
That's true...
Oh and apparently there is a website actually called "amandasays.com" and "amandasays.co.uk". Crazy huh?

4. Amanda "wants"
-YouTube - Super Amanda: Masterpiece Cleavage Blooper
Super Amanda wants to be Alistair Cooke in black satin corset ...
-Amanda wants to go and play pictures from kittens photos on webshots
I'm not sure if that's a proper sentence... and by "I'm not sure if" I mean "No way", but I want to go and play with kittens, or look at photos of kittens... that's cool with me.
-Amanda Wants A Hug 'N Kiss
hehe... sure do!

5. Amanda "does"
-MySpace.com - Amanda Does What She Wants - 25 - Female - Fresno ..
I try to do what I want... hells yes.
-YouTube - super strong amanda does pushups
That's hilarious... I'm not super strong, and cannot do pushups...

6. Amanda "hates"
-YouTube - Re: Amanda hates good music
-YouTube - Amanda Hates Feet
um... not really. I mean they are pretty useful.

7. Amanda "asks"
-ABC News: Amanda Asks: 'What Would Google Do?'
Lol. There were several links that had this phrase... I think I should start using it...
-Amanda (writer) and Riceman (tutor) Amanda asks "Do I need to push return after each sentence?" ... Amanda asks "Do you think that I should put it after her name or what?" ..
That's odd.
I don't push return after each sentence.

8. Amanda "likes"
-Exotic yet ordinary: Amanda likes to distract herself with silliness
That's true.
-Amanda Likes Stalking
Only on facebook... I swear!

9. Amanda "eats"
(I didn't think this one would turn up much but apparently I eat a lot).
- Amanda eats Subway
-Amanda eats pellets
-Amanda eats my meat
-Amanda eats pandas

I feel uncomfortable about all of those except the first. The first is definately true.

10. Amanda "wears"
Oooookay... like what? um, I don't want to see.
-Amanda Lear - PHOTO HISTORY Yet another picture in which Amanda wears outfit from Christian Llinarés collection.
I wish I could wear an outfit from any collection that wasn't my own...

11. Amanda "was arrested for"
-Amanda Overmyer Arrested for DUI :: Celebrity gossip juicy ...28 Feb 2008 ... American Idol finalist Amanda Overmyer spent time behind bars for drink driving and has a string of other motoring offenses on her record, ...
oooh juicy goss that.

12. Amanda "loves"
-Jon: Amanda loves texture and living vicariously
True I suppose...
I couldn't say that I know any lesbians personally for that statement to be fully true, but I guess I love lesbians for standing their ground, and loving who they want to love.

Well that's it folks! You should try it... adds a whole new dimension to googling yourself. Er... not that I do that regularly...



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