Who would have thought that my last post would be post number 60? This is definately the longest I've stuck to a single blog. I think that deserves a virtual round of applause - *applause*
It is almost the end of April, so I thought I'd break the cycle of only blogging once a month by blogging today - which, if your maths is as good as mine (read: you can add 1 and 1), makes TWO whole posts so far in this single month. Wow. I'm on fire.
Do I have anything to talk about of substance? Well not really. Except that I just saw Zombieland and thought it was really, really awesome. I absolutely loved the way they developed the characters, the darkness turned funny (which works sometimes in films but mostly not), the hilarious bit with Bill Murray and the ending. The end was a touch predictable, but I didn't care. Mostly because I did care about the characters and think the world that was created for them is so awesome that I wanted it to keep going.
Now, who would have thought that I would love a zombie movie other than Sean of the Dead?
In other news I have been thinking a lot about crime and criminogenic needs and all that stuff. I have to do an essay soon about a local crime problem. Given that I live in the Barossa I was thinking of doing something to do with alcohol abuse... But I thought it might be easier to go with illicit drug abuse among young people. We are supposed to look at the issue from two different theoretical perspectives, and I'm finding it difficult to choose between them! I'm fairly sure I'll choose conflict criminology because it is basically made for issues to do with drug use and criminality. But the second one is harder. This would be where, if I had blog readers, I would ask the masses to vote on a few options... But, seeing as I only have me, and I can't be arsed going through all the possible perspectives for the sake of a blog that no one reads, I won't. :P
Which brings me to another, if somewhat related point. Why do I bother to write this blog at all (even if it is only very rarely) if no one ever reads it? How can I have 61 posts, with no comments, and no views, and still have any motivation to write it? Well. I guess that's the difference between this blog and others I've started. This blog isn't about views. This blog is about me. When I feel like writing, I don't want to write on a word document, because that is too much like being productive. I want to write on a colourful space about the things I like. I don't want to have to be paranoid about upholding my reputation in regards to correct spelling and grammar. I don't want to worry about spelling wierd wrong.
WEIRD WEIRD WIERD WIERD who cares?! Its a stupid word anyway. I resort to saying 'odd' nowadays. Damn English.
Aaaanyway. That is enough procrastination for one day. Oddly enough (hehe- odd), writing this has put me in the mood to be productive. And so I shall.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Who'da thunk?
who'da thunk,
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