For those who don't know, my title means "Blog-Every-Day-in-April for me is Blog-Every-Month-In-2010", as I seem to log on once a month for the most part.
I just thought I would check in. I know I actually thought of something to write in my blog about 2 days ago, but alas I didn't write it down and now I can't remember what I thought was so blog worthy.
So here is a life update:
Those life possibilities I was talking about last month: Well, they haven't eventuated ... yet. I'm still hopeful, but Nannal isn't. Regardless, a change is coming because whether what we thought was initially going to happen comes about or not, Nannal is looking to change. You can only work in a place where you are constantly treading water and banging your head against the wall/tightass-shortsighted-management for so long before you move on.
Uni: My graduate certificate in Criminology and Criminal Justice is going relatively well. I haven't been the best at keeping up with weekly contributions on the discussion board, but I've definately been doing the readings and enjoying them for the most part. I think the main reason I forget to log on and commit my thoughts to ... well, not paper, but forum ... is because I do the readings, write some notes and have a 'tutorial' sort of discussion in my head. Then I guess I subconsciously tick that box without actually using those thoughts for a discussion with other people online. Woops. Silly brain.
I did hand in my first piece of work for the degree the other day though. It was an odd feeling because I had to submit it twice: a virtual copy, and a paper copy. The online submission was pretty easy - you just fill in a form and then upload the file and away you go. The paper one was weirder. Because it was too late for me to post it up to the campus, I had to do a Remote Area Print (or RAP ... hehe). That means that I had to add money to my printing account, and basically do the same thing as the online submission (upload document with a form) and then trust that the people who do all the work on the other end will print it out and get it to the course marker.
It is very odd trusting all this stuff to the internet. Its like the first time you transfer funds electronically - you feel like you've just sent all this money into cyber space and you aren't sure it will actually get to where it is supposed to go until you check with them that it has.
Weight: I can't remember if I actually mentioned this on the blog or not, but I joined weight watchers with some people at work, and it is going relatively well. I have lost about 9.5 kilos in total, which is just over 10% of my starting weight (yes for those of you with a gift of maths I weighed 94.4 when I started - shutup! :P). I'm actually very proud of my progress and optimistic that I can continue on and get down to my goal weight. I have lost almost 15cm around my hips, which sounds massive, and makes me feel pretty good. I also keep glancing myself in the mirror when I get changed and getting a little jump of pride in my stomach.
Now is as good a time as any to commit some goals to 'paper' in regards to my weight I suppose. My goal weight is 65kg, which is smackbang in the middle of my healthy weight range according to my BMI. I know its achievable because I weighed about that when I was in my final year of highschool and my body hasn't really changed since then (apart from the food related expansion). But losing that much weight is a bit daunting... So my first goal was 5% - which I reached a little while ago. My second was 10% before the end of the first program (which was the 5 May - so I'm ahead of schedule!). My third one was only a little step up to 10kg lost. Now I'm going to make my next goal 15kg lost - which would put me under 80kg... which would be AMAZING. I haven't been under 80kg since like... 2006. After that obviously I'll go for 20kg, then 25kg, then 1 kg increments until 65kg and I'll be ridiculously good-looking. Lol. Just kidding- I'll be lighter, but just as sexy :P.
I guess then the next real challenge will be to keep it off. And that is certainly a challenge. But if I can manage to change my lifestyle to fit the weight watchers program - which, essentially, is just watching portions, watching content, and getting moving - then I should be ok. I know I will never be one of those people who just doesn't have to worry about it, but that's ok. At least I'll feel in control and have a good handle on my body - what it needs, how it reacts, and what it feels like to be healthy. Which will be nice.
Ok. That's enough for one morning. I have only just had my coffee - I've not even showered! I think its time to get moving...
P.S. I saw Kick Ass last night - it was very enjoyable. I liked the humour mixed with the usual super-hero themes of doing what is right, and the unusual aspect of an ordinary (as in no special powers) little girl totally owning people with her ninja-like fighting skills. Yes, she says 'cunts' - but that's ok. I'm sure that actors parents made her realise what it meant, why you shouldn't say it usually and all that... It worked. She was bad ass. Loved it.
Monday, April 26, 2010
BEDA for me is BEMI2010
kick ass,
weight watchers,
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