Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Online "friends" ...
Online "friendships".
I was thinking the other day that it is a very strange phenomenon that occurs between a "fan" of someone online and that person. For example, I was trying to tell my mother about Kristina Horner from youtube/the parselmouths/italktosnakes blog, and I found myself wanting to say "my friend Kristina". Although that is not strictly true.
She actually only vaguely knows of my existence. And mostly that knowledge just places me as an anonymous number in her "subscribers" or "listeners" or "readers". But if this were offline, I am fairly sure that anyone who paid this much attention to what she had to say, and appreciated her creative outlets as much as I do (and the rest of the subscribers... I'm not the only one!), would probably be classed as a friend.
But because it is online its different. It is like a one-way friendship. I would kind of like to have a conversation with her - and anyone else that I watch/read - but I know it would be wierd because I would be at an advantage. I already know a lot about her and her life. But she would know practically nothing about me and my life. So it would be awkward probably. Or maybe I'm too selfconscious about that fact?
I think it would be similar to meeting a celebrity for the first time. Like I would really love to meet and talk to Amanda Palmer. She is my favourite artist of all time. I love her music. I love her blog. And I really admire her commitment to both music and creativity in general. She is a wonderful person. Yet if I were given the opportunity to sit down with her backstage I would feel really uncomfortable blurting out all these things because she does not know me! Sure I could think of some interesting questions to ask her and start a conversation but it is still wierd because she is the one that I know all about, and I am just fan number xy.
Anyways... Just thought I'd blog that. Its a thought that has been running around in my head for a while. :-)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Results, Insecurites, Complexities and Money
The equation probably goes TIME/EFFORT = (result x (LUCKx130000456) or something. But I think I need to remember that it isn't the results that I actually want. Its the feelings around the results. I want to feel productive. I want to feel like I'm doing something worthwhile, that I'm fulfilling some kind of purpose. And, naturally, I want to feel important. Not that I would say that out loud to anyone. Not that anyone, I think, would admit that to anyone, but its true. I want to feel that what I have done, or what I am doing is important ... and that feeling probably drives me more than anything else.
If you really think about it, I guess it comes from that old insecurity. "What do they think of me?". It isn't so much about myself, but what other people think of myself. And when I think that they think that I'm worth something then I will be worth ... something.
Of course that's bullshit. I know that. I intellectually know that. But that doesn't help me in my everyday experience so much. Its a feeling that is so deeply ingrained that even though I would counsel the same thing to anyone with the same surity that I would assure them of gravitational pull, I can't escape it myself.
Its like what John Green says so frequently. We know that other people out there are the same as us and we know that they are as complex and individual as we are, but we can't help but not imagine them with any complexity. At least, not with the same complexity that we regard ourselves. That's because we are trapped in these bodies, we cannot possibly know what it is like to be anything or anyone other than ourselves. We could imagine it sure, but we would not come close. Like when you are in great pain and someone says "I know what you're feeling" or something like that, and you could cry out and say something selfish like "How can you possibly know what I'm feeling!" because how could they? This pain is yours and no one has ever felt that before.
By the same token, how do we know that the pain we feel is unique. How do we know they don't know how we feel? That's right. We are selfish.
My boyfriend tried to tell me the other day that we, as a race, are not capable of true empathy because of this fact. He peppered his explanation with talk of survival as well. We have to look out for ourselves etc. But I countered that yes, while it is virtually impossible to be truly empathetic with someone, to truly know how they feel, it is not impossible to feel empathy at all.
I think that I am an empathetic person. When someone comes to me in pain, I try to feel their pain too. Of course that comes with my instinct born of being an older sister, to protect that person and to fix it for them. If that fails though I just have to be there for them.
Then again that flies out the window when I'm driving in the city and someone cuts me off, or is driving 15kms below the speed limit. The person in front of me is not a complex human being who is flawed but ultimately good, rather they are an IDIOT who can't drive and obviously has no regard for anyone else, or (more likely, I think in the heat of the moment) great disdain for me personally. How amusing is that? Although I fuck up on the road with frequency (I'm sure) I don't regard myself as a horrible driver, do I? So why should this person be an idiot when I've only been shown one example of their whole driving career? It really makes you think. Or, it really makes you laugh. Either way...
Anyway. Despite all this I would really like to be given everything that I want right now. Or, if I have to be picky, the money to get me started. With $200,000 I could buy some land, go over seas, fix my car and be the best aunt ever and set Charlie up with a trust fund. Unfortunately ... this will have to stay in the dream basket for now.
Still... it is a good dream ... make everyone happy, have a solid financial investment (literally solid), be flying to London to Dublin to Seattle to Boston... all that good stuff. *Le sigh*
Better get back to reality. I have a story arc to figure out.
Monday, April 20, 2009
I have decided to take his lead. I have been kind of trying to do this kind of thing all year, but I keep starting and stopping. So lets see if this sticks...
To keep myself on track I have written down a few short goals that I want to shape my day to day life with.
- Job and Financial Security - at the moment this means job seeking and working on the budget.
- Peace and Comfort - right now this means DECLUTTERING and CLEANING, although this could also mean meditating or showering etc.
- Creativity and Personal Expression - this is one I have been neglecting quite a bit. I want to start writing creatively and drawing, but it also counts as blogging because that's personal expression, often in its most literal form...
- Knowledge - I want to try and read at least one article a day. Or research something ... Or look into Universities and their PhD programs. I can't forget that this is the direction that I want my life to head. If I could combine this with the first point, and get a job in the area ... even better! Birds with stones and all that.
I've also written this in big letters "SPEND 80% of YOUR TIME WORKING TOWARDS THESE GOALS!" because Alex pointed out that usually 80% of our outcomes are achieved during 20% of our day. I want to turn that around so that I am productive not just for 20%. Also if only 20% of my day yields results, and often I am not doing anything at all productive during most of the day, then those 80% results we are talking about are not that significant. However if I spend more time doing things that are geared towards my goals, then I can change that. The results will be greater.
Then I've just got a little list of goals/ideas that fit under the headings so that I don't spend precious time trying to figure out what to do... because that will inevitably lead me to spend hours in front of World of Warcraft or playing Bejeweled on facebook.
Oh and no, I can't bring myself to delete facebook although it would be an excellent idea to cut down on the number of times I check the damn thing. Perhaps by limiting it to maybe 3 a day? Then down to 2? Who knows maybe one day I will spend a whole day without needing to check it (and not one of those days when it is infeasible to check it... a day at home so no cheating!). But I'm not there yet.
So there it is. My new productivity plan.
I realise that I frequently (ish) blog about my goals and my plans and how I need to get into gear. But that is because I am very good at not following through. I have fabulous intentions but then get waylaid. I find more fun things to do etc. But what I need to realise is that when I look back at this year I don't want to be ashamed of all the time I could have spent doing other things!
Its not like I am going to quit doing fun stuff all together. I have a vague idea that if I spend at least 4-6 hours a day in this mode I'll be on the right track and then I can veg out, or go for a walk or something. Plus, a few of the things on my list are actually things that I enjoy doing, and wouldn't feel like that much of a strain so that will help.
But now the test - how long will it take me to get waylaid? And will I use the fact that I got waylaid to give up altogether? Hm... We shall see!
Wish me luck!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Vintage Recap with bonus Lazy report

Friday, April 17, 2009
If you don't know, and there are high chances that you don't, the Vintage festival is an annual event in the Barossa where people get all excited about ... well, as the name suggests, the Vintage. Its a wine area - what do you expect? But in the Barossa there are all sorts of odd traditions, one of which creeps me out. That is, where people enter a scarecrow competition... so there are big life size dolls around the place dressed up in various costumes that I always have to look twice at because if you don't it kind of looks like a corpse... creepy I know.
Then there is the tradition in the Tanunda supermarket (which also has life size dummies at the entrance dressed in Foodland uniforms... hm) where the checkout chicks have to wear ye olde clothes. Like skirts and bonnets and aprons... Its cute... but still wierd. Especially if you just dropped in on your way through with no idea it was vintage and just thought that it was a very backward town/supermarket.
Still the big thing is the parade, so I'm told. So I'm going to sit in front of my boyfriend's Grandparent's house and watch. And snap photos. At least it will be an experience?
Oh ... and I'm sure there will be even more stupid doll/dummy/scarecrows involved which will just be even creepier considering they will be on floats... Floating corpses... I mean ... Eeep!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Today I sat in front of the computer from about 7am til 1130 and then from 12 til 4. Perhaps I have a problem... But it doesn't feel like a problem. It just feels like I'm spending alot of time in the same position. Perhaps I need one of those balls that you sit on. That would be awesome.
So all this sitting means that I don't have much to blog about lately ... which makes me sad. Reading all these awesome blogs at the moment due to BEDA makes me feel inadequate.
OH well... It is what it is, ain't it? (Now that's confusing...)
Sunday, April 12, 2009
1) I guess someone took pity on me, because I now have a copy of Harry, A History and am reading it with great interest. It is making me wish I was more involved in the HP community though... living in South Australia there aren't any HP Conventions or anything awesome like that. I wish there were... I could nerd out with my books out! (Like what I did there? lols I'm silly).
2) Easter! I didn't get heaps of chocolate... but I am certainly happy. We went to my parents place for dinner last night (Easter Sunday) and it was mighty enjoyable. We had kaessler and sauerkraut and YUM. My sister was also there for a while but she had to leave because young Charlie was not settled and was about to get grumpy... which is not good. Poor Teeni.
I plan to go and see her tomorrow at her house because I'm a little worried about her. She said she has the "baby blues" and cries a lot ... which makes me REALLY worried about her. I know its a huge culture shock so to speak, but I want my sister to be happy and OK with everything. So I'm going to see if I can help make her feel better and perhaps organise some strategies to help her out. She obviously isn't getting enough sleep (I wouldn't cope with that just on its own let alone with a baby to deal with too!) but I think we can figure something out.
Anyway... That was all I wanted to blog! I think I should emphasise though, if you are a HP fan in SA.. make a fandom with me. We can wrock out :-)
Monday, April 6, 2009
A missed opportunity
Later we wandered into a book store, but much to my distress I'd spent all my available money in JB. NO! I could have totally got that book that I really want: Harry - A History, but alas it was too late. So from now on I am going to stick a list to my wall and write down the things I really want on it so that next time I have a spare $30 to spoil myself with I can think clearly and get something that will really make me smile.
Anyway... that's all for now. I had a rather busy day at work (working at a Chocolate store during Easter is a bit stressful) and I have another lined up tomorrow so... better have dinner and curl up to another, less Harry Potter-esque book.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Accidental BEDA
Today is odd because yesterday was so long and eventful, yet today its almost midday and I have done nothing. I have put away some clothes and done some dishes as well as catching up on blogs and what not but no one has a had a baby yet... so its kind of out of sorts lol.
I am going to go and see young Mr Nephew tomorrow with Nannal, who very reluctantly agreed to come along. You see he is not a big fan of babies. Like - he doesn't like them at all. So it was hard to convince him that THIS baby is way better than the other babies. And he is! Sure, I'm biased... but if you just saw his little face doing his little baby thing... you would agree. He's so adorable/awesome/cute/small/beautiful/handsome. I'm smitten!
Anyway... Hopefully my next blog will contain some actual news or discussion rather than me waffling on about how much I love my nephew. Lol... Sorry!
Oh and his name is "Charlie Jay". How sweet is that? Ah ... I've never been clucky but this baby is amazing. He's my little sister with a bit of little Justin mixed in ... and in a tiny cute package. Oh and he favours the word "Eh" alot. He's like Rihanna in a non-annoying way. If he said "Umbrella - eheheh" I would just go "Aaaaaw". As it is though he's unlikely to say umbrella.. just "eh eh eh" a lot and then hiccup.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Impending Nephew
Anyway I predict not getting much sleep tonight. Like - at all. Uh oh - grumpy manda here we come!
But I've been watching the Five Awesome Girls ... and finally I searched for wizard rock videos, or WROCK, and I'm hooked again. My lord... its hit me again! I've been watching the movies, reading the books, watching all the HP related stuff on YouTube and reading the leaky cauldron, and mugglenet again. I suppose its timely given that the movie comes out in a bit over 100 days but still... people say you move on from this kind of thing. But I guess I haven't!
Anyway. Just thought I'd confess that little bit.
P.S., Still waiting for the nephew. He's so inconsiderate!