The vintage festival I mentioned in my last blog wasn't actually all that bad. Most of the time we sat in front of Nannal's grandparents' place on the main street, sipping booze in the shade and snacking on biscuits and mettwurst (mm... mettwurst). The parade itself was interesting and strange. There was one float that was playing the star wars theme, with star wars and star trek characters sitting on it/walking around it... AND on the trailer there was a Tardis... yes, Doctor Who's mode of transport was riding on a trailer. Then I even noticed that someone was walking behind the trailer with a long multi-coloured scarf and an afro ... OhEmGee old school Doctor Who. I'm sure most people had no idea what was going on but I chuckled.

Eventually (it was a very long parade) a truck came past that had "HERITAGE HOTSPOTS - Mit 'Otto' UND 'Frieda'" on the front and there, to our amusement, was our friend Karalee waving, wearing a veil and standing next to her "bridegroom" who actually happened to be her brother in law. ^.^

Anyway I am pleased to report that, for the most part, the parade was harmless and I saw no floating corpses as feared. Although there was this one float where a guy was wearing a really wierd mask and picking up dirt/sand and muttering something... I was thoroughly confused/wierded out by that, but hey... what's one creepy float?
In other news I have become a real internet addict. I have been steadfastly ignoring the mess that is threatening to take over the whole house while staring resolutely at my computer screen. I play a lot of online games, I incessantly check YouTube for new videos and check my reader for new blogs. I wish people had as much time as me so that they could update as often as I check but then I guess the whole world would grind to a halt, since I never get anything done, thus neither would they.
I think I am possibly the worst housewife ever. I did NOTHING this morning while Mister was at work. So to distract him from that fact I seduced him when he got home... and luckily he hasn't said anything about the state of the living room... or the kitchen... or the bedroom... or anything! For now...
Not that I seduced him for that reason alone... it ended up being an excellent mood lift too. And because I was so very happy, HE was so very happy because his ego just grew like 50 times thanks me appreciating his "prowess". He jokingly said I should tell all my friends, and while I wouldn't go that far, I HAVE blogged about it .. kind of... so that should serve to inflate his head more. Lol.
Aaaaanyway. Enough of that for now I think! Better go back and check my Reader... what if someone blogged in the last 10 minutes????

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