What you do is, you type your name into google with the given word, and answer with your favourites!
Note: you can do this with your whole name, but since it doesn't work very well for me I've just gone with Amanda...
1. Amanda "needs"...
- YouTube - amanda needs to pee
well... I did need to pee but I've fixed that...
-Amanda C. Needs Some Direction « NewTeeVee
probably, I mean that's a fair comment ...
-Amanda needs to be loved - Carbone & Money - Opinion - theage.com.au
YES I DO. Well, I believe I am loved, but that doesn't change the fact that I need to be.
-Amanda needs a better storyline - All My Children Message Boards ...
Lols ... yes I do need a better storyline... I would love to write a book, but that storyline eludes me.
2. Amanda "looks like"
-Life in a Suitcase: Amanda looks like"Amanda looks like any nerd in school, but she is actually really smart and cool . She is smart because she knows everything about bugs"
Well, I don't actually know anything about bugs... despite people confusing Anthropology with a whole plethora of other professions including things to do with bugs. But I think I'm smart and cool ... which means I'm probably not...
-Stefani : photos : Christmas 2005 : Amanda looks like she is ...
Looks like she is what? I just had to click the link, and apparently "Amanda looks like she is pouting here"...
3. Amanda "says"
-Boy v. Girl Amanda says: As crazy as it sounds, we lie to make it seem like we're not Little Miss Bitch. If a dude asks us out and we're just not attracted, ..."
Well I'm not sure if that's true... well, probably...
-MySpace.com - Amanda says [{ Im so tired of bullshit!!}] - 20 ..
That's true...
-amanda says gimme that coffee drink on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
That's true...
Oh and apparently there is a website actually called "amandasays.com" and "amandasays.co.uk". Crazy huh?
4. Amanda "wants"
Super Amanda wants to be Alistair Cooke in black satin corset ...
-Amanda wants to go and play pictures from kittens photos on webshots
I'm not sure if that's a proper sentence... and by "I'm not sure if" I mean "No way", but I want to go and play with kittens, or look at photos of kittens... that's cool with me.
-Amanda Wants A Hug 'N Kiss
hehe... sure do!
5. Amanda "does"
-MySpace.com - Amanda Does What She Wants - 25 - Female - Fresno ..
I try to do what I want... hells yes.
-YouTube - super strong amanda does pushups
That's hilarious... I'm not super strong, and cannot do pushups...
6. Amanda "hates"
-YouTube - Re: Amanda hates good music
-YouTube - Amanda Hates Feet
um... not really. I mean they are pretty useful.
7. Amanda "asks"
-ABC News: Amanda Asks: 'What Would Google Do?'
Lol. There were several links that had this phrase... I think I should start using it...
-Amanda (writer) and Riceman (tutor) Amanda asks "Do I need to push return after each sentence?" ... Amanda asks "Do you think that I should put it after her name or what?" ..
That's odd.
I don't push return after each sentence.
8. Amanda "likes"
-Exotic yet ordinary: Amanda likes to distract herself with silliness
That's true.
-Amanda Likes Stalking
Only on facebook... I swear!
9. Amanda "eats"
(I didn't think this one would turn up much but apparently I eat a lot).
- Amanda eats Subway
-Amanda eats pellets
-Amanda eats my meat
-Amanda eats pandas
I feel uncomfortable about all of those except the first. The first is definately true.
10. Amanda "wears"
Oooookay... like what? um, I don't want to see.
-Amanda Lear - PHOTO HISTORY Yet another picture in which Amanda wears outfit from Christian Llinarés collection.
I wish I could wear an outfit from any collection that wasn't my own...
11. Amanda "was arrested for"
-Amanda Overmyer Arrested for DUI :: Celebrity gossip juicy ...28 Feb 2008 ... American Idol finalist Amanda Overmyer spent time behind bars for drink driving and has a string of other motoring offenses on her record, ...
oooh juicy goss that.
12. Amanda "loves"
-Jon: Amanda loves texture and living vicariously
True I suppose...
I couldn't say that I know any lesbians personally for that statement to be fully true, but I guess I love lesbians for standing their ground, and loving who they want to love.
Well that's it folks! You should try it... adds a whole new dimension to googling yourself. Er... not that I do that regularly...
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