Last year I watched a few youtube channels with some regularity. I started this habit in 2007 when Nannal and I discovered the Vlogbrothers. We watched every episode and loved it... knowing the inside jokes, and getting to know these very funny, real people. In 2008 I watched the fiveawesomegirls, and the fiveawesomeguys more than anythings else. One of the FAgirls, Kristina (Monday) had a goal at the beginning of last year to read 50 books... and I thought that was a good idea. So I decided to steal that goal, and use it for myself...
I thought that I should blog about this today because 1) I just read Kristina's blog which reminded me that I hadn't blogged about this particular thing; and 2) because I plan on doing a lot of reading over the next few days.
You see, being ridiculously hot over the last few days, my only shift for this week was cancelled (no one buys chocolate in the heat apparently... sensible I suppose). Which means that I have a whole week with absolutely nothing to do. This is thus a good opportunity to have a mini-holiday. I can read... I can blog... I can tidy up my desktop and organise which stuff goes on which computer... I can be all arty!
But back to the reading. Perhaps I should create a list or something on the side to show what I've read so I can keep track... I started doing this in November last year so by November this year I will (hopefully) have a list that is 50 items long! Woot!
So far I've read:
13 Little Blue Envelopes - Maureen Johnson
Paper Towns - John Green
The Book Thief - Markus Zusak
The Witchfinders - Malcolm Gaskill
An Equal Heart and Mind - Margaret McKinney
A New Earth - Eckhart Tolle
Angels and Demons - Dan Brown
The Ministery of Special Cases - Nathan Englander
The Rope of Man - Witi Ihimaera
and now I'm reading American Gods by Neil Gaiman. This might have been a bad choice because it is over 600 pages long... but I can do it! :-P
Anyways... that is what's what... or however that clunky saying goes.
Wish me luck with the reading!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
follow up
What to do what to do...
But of course! Blog!
My last blog mentioned a horrible horrible conversation I had with my boyfriend. At some point when I got back to SA, and we were driving home, we did break up. I don't know how or why really but we did.
Don't panic though, it wasn't for long. We talked and we cried. And then we just decided to take it one step at a time, not look too far ahead, and just be us. I don't like that I can't rely on our relationship as much as I did not even a week ago, but that's the way it is. He freaked out. He read too much into what we were doing, and what it meant we were going to be doing. He also is a 21 year old male... who wants to ... erm - spread his seed, shall I say? But in the same breath he's also in love with me (he assured me), and can't imagine someone being as good as me (I blush retyping that...). So what do we do?
In the horrible hours that passed between our first conversation on the phone, and when I got to see him and talk to him face to face, I thought a lot of things. One was that cliche -"If you love them, let them go. If they love you they will return." And it made my heart ache. Mainly because it made me realise that yes I do love him, but no I don't think enough of myself to trust he would come back. I can't let him go ...
I also thought, pushing aside the pain of breaking up, that if we weren't together, I would probably save up money and leave the country... or study again... or leave the country to study. So when we were deciding to "start again" (not that we really can... you can't erase 3 years), we decided that, rather than buy a house, we would save to travel. To go to America.
I don't know what to do about his yearning to experience ... well, exploits so to speak ... but I know he wants to go to America to meet some online friends and hang out for a while there. Who knows, maybe I'll get confident enough to turn a blind eye while I go and travel Europe for a bit... Eh. Its all so hard to think about.
But I think the main thing is that he's still there. He still loves me. I still love him. Whether or not that is smart remains to be seen.
But of course! Blog!
My last blog mentioned a horrible horrible conversation I had with my boyfriend. At some point when I got back to SA, and we were driving home, we did break up. I don't know how or why really but we did.
Don't panic though, it wasn't for long. We talked and we cried. And then we just decided to take it one step at a time, not look too far ahead, and just be us. I don't like that I can't rely on our relationship as much as I did not even a week ago, but that's the way it is. He freaked out. He read too much into what we were doing, and what it meant we were going to be doing. He also is a 21 year old male... who wants to ... erm - spread his seed, shall I say? But in the same breath he's also in love with me (he assured me), and can't imagine someone being as good as me (I blush retyping that...). So what do we do?
In the horrible hours that passed between our first conversation on the phone, and when I got to see him and talk to him face to face, I thought a lot of things. One was that cliche -"If you love them, let them go. If they love you they will return." And it made my heart ache. Mainly because it made me realise that yes I do love him, but no I don't think enough of myself to trust he would come back. I can't let him go ...
I also thought, pushing aside the pain of breaking up, that if we weren't together, I would probably save up money and leave the country... or study again... or leave the country to study. So when we were deciding to "start again" (not that we really can... you can't erase 3 years), we decided that, rather than buy a house, we would save to travel. To go to America.
I don't know what to do about his yearning to experience ... well, exploits so to speak ... but I know he wants to go to America to meet some online friends and hang out for a while there. Who knows, maybe I'll get confident enough to turn a blind eye while I go and travel Europe for a bit... Eh. Its all so hard to think about.
But I think the main thing is that he's still there. He still loves me. I still love him. Whether or not that is smart remains to be seen.
Monday, January 26, 2009
What a long break from blogging. Moving house seems to disrupt these things doesn't it.
Last night I had a horrible horrible conversation with my boyfriend. I am thousands of kilometres away from him, he was drunk, I was sobering up, and he decided that we should probably break up. We didn't. But we cried and talked and it was horrible.
Horrible horrible.
My advice, don't take calls when you are hungover or drunk and thousands of kilometres away.
Last night I had a horrible horrible conversation with my boyfriend. I am thousands of kilometres away from him, he was drunk, I was sobering up, and he decided that we should probably break up. We didn't. But we cried and talked and it was horrible.
Horrible horrible.
My advice, don't take calls when you are hungover or drunk and thousands of kilometres away.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
A new day, an increasing sense of absense. This house feels less like my home, but my new place hasn't filled that void yet either. I doubt that it will. If my bedroom is open for all who wish to walk through, whenever they desire to get to the bathroom, how can I feel any sense of security, ownership or privacy? I can't. So I'm at my house, which for now is still my house. I can sit topless at the computer, and know, with certainty that no one will walk in.
Yes I'm in one of those moods. A mood when the absense of people is difficult to deal with. My friends are somewhere doing what ever it is they do when they are not with me. My boyfriend hasn't contacted me yet today, so I'm sure he's happily playing WoW in front of a fan. My family is up north, being a family. And I'm here. I'm in a house with very little left in it... yet paradoxically still too much to do before the "you must be out or else" date.
I should be distracting myself by doing those things that still need to be done instead of dwelling on my mood through my blog, but hey - I'm allowed a little self indulgence once in a while aren't I? As long as I recognise what it is... which of course makes me feel silly ...
Moving on.
In the words of Alan,
Today I...
- woke up 15 minutes before my alarm, giving myself time to watch YouTube videos... which rocked.
- Lamented that I'd packed the tea and taken it up to the new place already... then found the tea! Miracles of miracles!
-Thought I would vomit on a bus on the way to work... luckily didn't.
-Had an awesome bargain breakfast at an awesome café in Adelaide - Ecco Espresso Bar at the Hilton entrance to Adeladie Central Market Arcade. Recommended.
- Worked for 5 hours, most of which was spent wondering if there was ANYTHING to do...
- Read some more of the most awesome book I've read in a while... look it up, see if its in your library and read it. Its called "The Rope of Man" by Witi Ihimaera
- I tidied, I blogged and then, I will probably read some more...
Back to the non-computer world!
Yes I'm in one of those moods. A mood when the absense of people is difficult to deal with. My friends are somewhere doing what ever it is they do when they are not with me. My boyfriend hasn't contacted me yet today, so I'm sure he's happily playing WoW in front of a fan. My family is up north, being a family. And I'm here. I'm in a house with very little left in it... yet paradoxically still too much to do before the "you must be out or else" date.
I should be distracting myself by doing those things that still need to be done instead of dwelling on my mood through my blog, but hey - I'm allowed a little self indulgence once in a while aren't I? As long as I recognise what it is... which of course makes me feel silly ...
Moving on.
In the words of Alan,
Today I...
- woke up 15 minutes before my alarm, giving myself time to watch YouTube videos... which rocked.
- Lamented that I'd packed the tea and taken it up to the new place already... then found the tea! Miracles of miracles!
-Thought I would vomit on a bus on the way to work... luckily didn't.
-Had an awesome bargain breakfast at an awesome café in Adelaide - Ecco Espresso Bar at the Hilton entrance to Adeladie Central Market Arcade. Recommended.
- Worked for 5 hours, most of which was spent wondering if there was ANYTHING to do...
- Read some more of the most awesome book I've read in a while... look it up, see if its in your library and read it. Its called "The Rope of Man" by Witi Ihimaera
- I tidied, I blogged and then, I will probably read some more...
Back to the non-computer world!
Its really late and I shouldn't be blogging
Its really late and I shouldn't be blogging ... but I am. Because I'm self-destructive like that. Nevermind.
I just thought I would quickly do this.
Dear Amanda,
You are too judgemental of the people around you, because they remind you of yourself. Don't nitpick when all you are doing is criticising yourself, whilst hurting and annoying other people.
You expect too much of people, and probably don't listen to them enough to know what it is they are really trying to say. A few moments of insight and compassion don't make up for most of what you miss.
Don't be too hard on yourself. You have people who love you enough to tell you when you are too much of a bitch. Even though people find it hard to let you in as much as you would like them to, life isn't a TV show, and you aren't the protagonist. Just let it go, let it happen, and let it be.
Every moment contains within it the purpose and meaning of your life. Don't forget about that and get lost in thought.
I love you, you silly head.
I just thought I would quickly do this.
Dear Amanda,
You are too judgemental of the people around you, because they remind you of yourself. Don't nitpick when all you are doing is criticising yourself, whilst hurting and annoying other people.
You expect too much of people, and probably don't listen to them enough to know what it is they are really trying to say. A few moments of insight and compassion don't make up for most of what you miss.
Don't be too hard on yourself. You have people who love you enough to tell you when you are too much of a bitch. Even though people find it hard to let you in as much as you would like them to, life isn't a TV show, and you aren't the protagonist. Just let it go, let it happen, and let it be.
Every moment contains within it the purpose and meaning of your life. Don't forget about that and get lost in thought.
I love you, you silly head.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
A new AWESOME quiz...
This is stolen from John who says he stole it from facebook ...
What you do is, you type your name into google with the given word, and answer with your favourites!
Note: you can do this with your whole name, but since it doesn't work very well for me I've just gone with Amanda...
1. Amanda "needs"...
- YouTube - amanda needs to pee
well... I did need to pee but I've fixed that...
-Amanda C. Needs Some Direction « NewTeeVee
probably, I mean that's a fair comment ...
-Amanda needs to be loved - Carbone & Money - Opinion -
YES I DO. Well, I believe I am loved, but that doesn't change the fact that I need to be.
-Amanda needs a better storyline - All My Children Message Boards ...
Lols ... yes I do need a better storyline... I would love to write a book, but that storyline eludes me.
2. Amanda "looks like"
-Life in a Suitcase: Amanda looks like"Amanda looks like any nerd in school, but she is actually really smart and cool . She is smart because she knows everything about bugs"
Well, I don't actually know anything about bugs... despite people confusing Anthropology with a whole plethora of other professions including things to do with bugs. But I think I'm smart and cool ... which means I'm probably not...
-Stefani : photos : Christmas 2005 : Amanda looks like she is ...
Looks like she is what? I just had to click the link, and apparently "Amanda looks like she is pouting here"...
3. Amanda "says"
-Boy v. Girl Amanda says: As crazy as it sounds, we lie to make it seem like we're not Little Miss Bitch. If a dude asks us out and we're just not attracted, ..."
Well I'm not sure if that's true... well, probably... - Amanda says [{ Im so tired of bullshit!!}] - 20 ..
That's true...
-amanda says gimme that coffee drink on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
That's true...
Oh and apparently there is a website actually called "" and "". Crazy huh?
4. Amanda "wants"
YouTube - Super Amanda: Masterpiece Cleavage Blooper
Super Amanda wants to be Alistair Cooke in black satin corset ...
-Amanda wants to go and play pictures from kittens photos on webshots
I'm not sure if that's a proper sentence... and by "I'm not sure if" I mean "No way", but I want to go and play with kittens, or look at photos of kittens... that's cool with me.
-Amanda Wants A Hug 'N Kiss
hehe... sure do!
5. Amanda "does" - Amanda Does What She Wants - 25 - Female - Fresno ..
I try to do what I want... hells yes.
-YouTube - super strong amanda does pushups
That's hilarious... I'm not super strong, and cannot do pushups...
6. Amanda "hates"
-YouTube - Re: Amanda hates good music
-YouTube - Amanda Hates Feet
um... not really. I mean they are pretty useful.
7. Amanda "asks"
-ABC News: Amanda Asks: 'What Would Google Do?'
Lol. There were several links that had this phrase... I think I should start using it...
-Amanda (writer) and Riceman (tutor) Amanda asks "Do I need to push return after each sentence?" ... Amanda asks "Do you think that I should put it after her name or what?" ..
That's odd.
I don't push return after each sentence.
8. Amanda "likes"
-Exotic yet ordinary: Amanda likes to distract herself with silliness
That's true.
-Amanda Likes Stalking
Only on facebook... I swear!
9. Amanda "eats"
(I didn't think this one would turn up much but apparently I eat a lot).
- Amanda eats Subway
-Amanda eats pellets
-Amanda eats my meat
-Amanda eats pandas
I feel uncomfortable about all of those except the first. The first is definately true.
10. Amanda "wears"
Oooookay... like what? um, I don't want to see.
-Amanda Lear - PHOTO HISTORY Yet another picture in which Amanda wears outfit from Christian Llinarés collection.
I wish I could wear an outfit from any collection that wasn't my own...
11. Amanda "was arrested for"
-Amanda Overmyer Arrested for DUI :: Celebrity gossip juicy ...28 Feb 2008 ... American Idol finalist Amanda Overmyer spent time behind bars for drink driving and has a string of other motoring offenses on her record, ...
oooh juicy goss that.
12. Amanda "loves"
-Jon: Amanda loves texture and living vicariously
True I suppose...
I couldn't say that I know any lesbians personally for that statement to be fully true, but I guess I love lesbians for standing their ground, and loving who they want to love.
Well that's it folks! You should try it... adds a whole new dimension to googling yourself. Er... not that I do that regularly...
What you do is, you type your name into google with the given word, and answer with your favourites!
Note: you can do this with your whole name, but since it doesn't work very well for me I've just gone with Amanda...
1. Amanda "needs"...
- YouTube - amanda needs to pee
well... I did need to pee but I've fixed that...
-Amanda C. Needs Some Direction « NewTeeVee
probably, I mean that's a fair comment ...
-Amanda needs to be loved - Carbone & Money - Opinion -
YES I DO. Well, I believe I am loved, but that doesn't change the fact that I need to be.
-Amanda needs a better storyline - All My Children Message Boards ...
Lols ... yes I do need a better storyline... I would love to write a book, but that storyline eludes me.
2. Amanda "looks like"
-Life in a Suitcase: Amanda looks like"Amanda looks like any nerd in school, but she is actually really smart and cool . She is smart because she knows everything about bugs"
Well, I don't actually know anything about bugs... despite people confusing Anthropology with a whole plethora of other professions including things to do with bugs. But I think I'm smart and cool ... which means I'm probably not...
-Stefani : photos : Christmas 2005 : Amanda looks like she is ...
Looks like she is what? I just had to click the link, and apparently "Amanda looks like she is pouting here"...
3. Amanda "says"
-Boy v. Girl Amanda says: As crazy as it sounds, we lie to make it seem like we're not Little Miss Bitch. If a dude asks us out and we're just not attracted, ..."
Well I'm not sure if that's true... well, probably... - Amanda says [{ Im so tired of bullshit!!}] - 20 ..
That's true...
-amanda says gimme that coffee drink on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
That's true...
Oh and apparently there is a website actually called "" and "". Crazy huh?
4. Amanda "wants"
Super Amanda wants to be Alistair Cooke in black satin corset ...
-Amanda wants to go and play pictures from kittens photos on webshots
I'm not sure if that's a proper sentence... and by "I'm not sure if" I mean "No way", but I want to go and play with kittens, or look at photos of kittens... that's cool with me.
-Amanda Wants A Hug 'N Kiss
hehe... sure do!
5. Amanda "does" - Amanda Does What She Wants - 25 - Female - Fresno ..
I try to do what I want... hells yes.
-YouTube - super strong amanda does pushups
That's hilarious... I'm not super strong, and cannot do pushups...
6. Amanda "hates"
-YouTube - Re: Amanda hates good music
-YouTube - Amanda Hates Feet
um... not really. I mean they are pretty useful.
7. Amanda "asks"
-ABC News: Amanda Asks: 'What Would Google Do?'
Lol. There were several links that had this phrase... I think I should start using it...
-Amanda (writer) and Riceman (tutor) Amanda asks "Do I need to push return after each sentence?" ... Amanda asks "Do you think that I should put it after her name or what?" ..
That's odd.
I don't push return after each sentence.
8. Amanda "likes"
-Exotic yet ordinary: Amanda likes to distract herself with silliness
That's true.
-Amanda Likes Stalking
Only on facebook... I swear!
9. Amanda "eats"
(I didn't think this one would turn up much but apparently I eat a lot).
- Amanda eats Subway
-Amanda eats pellets
-Amanda eats my meat
-Amanda eats pandas
I feel uncomfortable about all of those except the first. The first is definately true.
10. Amanda "wears"
Oooookay... like what? um, I don't want to see.
-Amanda Lear - PHOTO HISTORY Yet another picture in which Amanda wears outfit from Christian Llinarés collection.
I wish I could wear an outfit from any collection that wasn't my own...
11. Amanda "was arrested for"
-Amanda Overmyer Arrested for DUI :: Celebrity gossip juicy ...28 Feb 2008 ... American Idol finalist Amanda Overmyer spent time behind bars for drink driving and has a string of other motoring offenses on her record, ...
oooh juicy goss that.
12. Amanda "loves"
-Jon: Amanda loves texture and living vicariously
True I suppose...
I couldn't say that I know any lesbians personally for that statement to be fully true, but I guess I love lesbians for standing their ground, and loving who they want to love.
Well that's it folks! You should try it... adds a whole new dimension to googling yourself. Er... not that I do that regularly...
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Dear People.
Today I drove a long way. And during my drive I thought - I should write a blog when I get home. But not about the boring trip, the boring town I went to, and all that. Rather, I should write a blog where I address an anonymous letter to each of my friends. Just short ones, and not to all my friends... but maybe just a few - like 3 perhaps.
So here goes. If you are my friend, maybe you know who I'm talking to... if you don't know me, and stumbled across this randomly, well, you can probably relate to what I'm saying.
Dear friend,
We've known eachother for quite a while now, and we've been through quite a bit. I've always admired you but I couldn't begin to tell you why. You are a wonderful loyal friend, but lately things have changed. I don't know why completely, although I could speculate ... with everything that's happened in the last year I guess you could justify a bit of a change in attitude. The problem is, more so than usual, you couch what you say in passivity and ambiguity when it relates to your opinion. Worse, you'll complain about something that's wrong, and when someone else agrees that its crap, you'll defend it... I just don't know what to do anymore! I love you but you drive me crazy - original huh?
Dear friend,
I haven't actually known you that long if you think about it, but you are one of my closest friends. The trouble I have is that I struggle to have myself heard around you. Sometimes I will start saying something, but you will cut me off and start a conversation of your own, and no one seems to notice that I was saying anything at all. I find it frustrating both for the obvious reason of feeling my opinion isn't worth hearing, but also for the fact that I can't seem to bring it up because I value you too much as a friend to risk hurting you. Its complicated. Also - god damnit get some self confidence. There is a reason your friends love you like crazy, and its not because you've tricked us into doing so! You're an awesome, compassionate and loving person and you need to wake up and realise your special place in the world.
Dear friend,
I have known you for a long time too, but somehow I haven't ever had a fight with you. I don't know how, but we've always got along. You are my sister that turned out not to be my sister... which is good because we get all the awesome parts of sisterhood and none of the crappy angsty stuff that you get when you grow up. I admire you, I worry for you and I love having you around. I don't know what I'm going to do without you, but I think my phone will be used a little bit more often somehow. I want you to look after yourself and I do worry that you have a tendency to the excess, but I trust that you know when enough is too much, and the people you keep around you are good people too. But if it is ever too much, I know that you trust me enough to come and ask me for help, or for a shoulder, or advice - or even just a hug. Because I love you in an unexpected, unconditional way.
If you read this, and you think its you, it might not be. If you feel offended, don't be. These are letters to my friends, who I love. Also if you recognise the negative qualities, that doesn't mean its you! Part of the reason things annoy me is because I recognise those qualities in myself, and so they annoy me in other people more than other things, because they are things about myself that I don't like... see? Ah. Complicated. Relationships are fun. :-P
Now, just because he always wants me to, here is a bit about ... sex.
We have it.
We like it.
;-) Sorry honey, that's all I feel comfortable revealing on a semipublic forum.
I love you!
So here goes. If you are my friend, maybe you know who I'm talking to... if you don't know me, and stumbled across this randomly, well, you can probably relate to what I'm saying.
Dear friend,
We've known eachother for quite a while now, and we've been through quite a bit. I've always admired you but I couldn't begin to tell you why. You are a wonderful loyal friend, but lately things have changed. I don't know why completely, although I could speculate ... with everything that's happened in the last year I guess you could justify a bit of a change in attitude. The problem is, more so than usual, you couch what you say in passivity and ambiguity when it relates to your opinion. Worse, you'll complain about something that's wrong, and when someone else agrees that its crap, you'll defend it... I just don't know what to do anymore! I love you but you drive me crazy - original huh?
Dear friend,
I haven't actually known you that long if you think about it, but you are one of my closest friends. The trouble I have is that I struggle to have myself heard around you. Sometimes I will start saying something, but you will cut me off and start a conversation of your own, and no one seems to notice that I was saying anything at all. I find it frustrating both for the obvious reason of feeling my opinion isn't worth hearing, but also for the fact that I can't seem to bring it up because I value you too much as a friend to risk hurting you. Its complicated. Also - god damnit get some self confidence. There is a reason your friends love you like crazy, and its not because you've tricked us into doing so! You're an awesome, compassionate and loving person and you need to wake up and realise your special place in the world.
Dear friend,
I have known you for a long time too, but somehow I haven't ever had a fight with you. I don't know how, but we've always got along. You are my sister that turned out not to be my sister... which is good because we get all the awesome parts of sisterhood and none of the crappy angsty stuff that you get when you grow up. I admire you, I worry for you and I love having you around. I don't know what I'm going to do without you, but I think my phone will be used a little bit more often somehow. I want you to look after yourself and I do worry that you have a tendency to the excess, but I trust that you know when enough is too much, and the people you keep around you are good people too. But if it is ever too much, I know that you trust me enough to come and ask me for help, or for a shoulder, or advice - or even just a hug. Because I love you in an unexpected, unconditional way.
If you read this, and you think its you, it might not be. If you feel offended, don't be. These are letters to my friends, who I love. Also if you recognise the negative qualities, that doesn't mean its you! Part of the reason things annoy me is because I recognise those qualities in myself, and so they annoy me in other people more than other things, because they are things about myself that I don't like... see? Ah. Complicated. Relationships are fun. :-P
Now, just because he always wants me to, here is a bit about ... sex.
We have it.
We like it.
;-) Sorry honey, that's all I feel comfortable revealing on a semipublic forum.
I love you!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Charities and the Internet.
Most of the time I tend to take my connection to the internet for granted. Way for granted... even though it is a majorly important part of my life. But some people don't have access to the internet and don't know its wonders. They have no idea about youtube, about blogs, about all the things that I do on a daily basis... I'm lying - more than a daily basis.
In society when you don't have enough money to buy food, you really don't have enough money to spend on non-essentials like a computer, or an internet connection. That's where this charity, Infoxchange come into the picture. The founder, Andrew Mahar, decided that he would do something about this. Using ex-government computers done up by a team of long-term unemployed workers, the organisation hands out these computers to families in communities that need them most. They then go about connecting the houses to the internet, and away they go.
I don't think the majority of people would realise how much help having the internet is to underpriveleged people. Aside from having access to things like job search websites, email, internet banking etc., they also have access to knowledge which increases their opportunities in society. Mahar also argues that in underpriveleged communities the things that bind them are all negative - drug problems, violence, unemployment, family problems -but bringing in computers and internet connection can bring a positive aspect to the community.
I am a big fan of this charity, even though I only found out about it a few days ago, because in Uni we studied the homeless issue and found that one of the biggest problems that people have is getting their foot in the door. If you have been long-term unemployed or long-term homeless, your opportunities are greatly decreased because employers make negative assumptions about the people. Having the Internet gives them access to information that could better their situation, opportunities to make their way up in the world, and back into the community of employed "useful" members of society.
Anyway. Just thought I would point it out because I think its an awesome idea, and seems to make an attempt to make a difference rather than a band-aid solution to a widespread, deeply seated host of problems in society.
In society when you don't have enough money to buy food, you really don't have enough money to spend on non-essentials like a computer, or an internet connection. That's where this charity, Infoxchange come into the picture. The founder, Andrew Mahar, decided that he would do something about this. Using ex-government computers done up by a team of long-term unemployed workers, the organisation hands out these computers to families in communities that need them most. They then go about connecting the houses to the internet, and away they go.
I don't think the majority of people would realise how much help having the internet is to underpriveleged people. Aside from having access to things like job search websites, email, internet banking etc., they also have access to knowledge which increases their opportunities in society. Mahar also argues that in underpriveleged communities the things that bind them are all negative - drug problems, violence, unemployment, family problems -but bringing in computers and internet connection can bring a positive aspect to the community.
I am a big fan of this charity, even though I only found out about it a few days ago, because in Uni we studied the homeless issue and found that one of the biggest problems that people have is getting their foot in the door. If you have been long-term unemployed or long-term homeless, your opportunities are greatly decreased because employers make negative assumptions about the people. Having the Internet gives them access to information that could better their situation, opportunities to make their way up in the world, and back into the community of employed "useful" members of society.
Anyway. Just thought I would point it out because I think its an awesome idea, and seems to make an attempt to make a difference rather than a band-aid solution to a widespread, deeply seated host of problems in society.
Friday, January 9, 2009
In the midst of the stuff.

I am taking a break from packing, partially because I deserve it, partially because I have uncovered too much dust and need to let it settle, and partially because damnit, I'm buggered.
A blog in 3 parts!
1. AFP concert
Last night after my impromptu late night blog post, I went to Amanda Palmer website where I realised that I had overlooked the tour dates there because I thought they were only European dates. To my shock I found a post (that I'd glanced at before) entitled "European and Australian Tour Dates" ... and AUSTRALIAN?!?!?!?! So I raced to see when and where, and discovered that Amanda announced 3 dates in Aus next month. I fretted for a while, wondering if I should book then and there, wondering if they were sold out already, wondering if it was selfish of me to go to Sydney as well as Cairns this month, and NT in March all without Nannal... but finally, thanks to a prompt from my lovely friend Heather, I booked the tickets. Yay!
Amanda Palmer is by far my favourite musician. Not because she has a perfect voice, not because she plays perfect piano - she doesn't have a technically perfect voice, and she can't read music (tho you couldn't tell to listen). I love Amanda Palmer because she puts real soul into her music. She puts real voice and real passion into her music. Its ridiculous how wonderful her music and lyrics make me feel. So... to understate it by a mile, I'm very excited about the upcoming concert.
2. my possessions
I have been going through my things, and with half the furniture missing, it makes my stuff look kind of ... well, like stuff. Piled as it is on whatever available horizontal surface I could find, my things look less meaningful than I usually think they are. Why do I keep it all?
I must have at least 20 bears here at this house... despite most of them still residing at my parents house. I have many trinkets of cats, and dragons and other random things, that I either bought for myself or was given by a friend. I have probably 30 necklaces. More bracelets. I have many many folders. I have too many clothes.
Really, I have to think: if the house burnt down, what would I be devastated that I'd lost? The answer is probably nothing. But I'd be really sad if I lost my oldest teddies...

I'd be quite sad if I lost the dresses mum made me ...

I'd be really upset if I lost the jewellery my family has given me over the years. Either heirlooms or just gifts...

I'd be sad about other things too... but in that circumstance I think I would also feel relief. I have bought or aquired so many things that try to represent who I think I am, and who others think I am that I manage to easily lose myself in them. The opposite of what we try to achieve through accumulation occurs...
That said, I still can't throw away all these boxes... but I'm starting.
3. no visitors to my site
The third part of this blog brings into question the purpose for this blog at all... I actually think absolutely no one reads this blog. While some people might be disappointed by this, I find it quite ... what's the word? It gives me the freedom to express exactly what I want.
That's the reason I don't blog so much on facebook, or at least why I don't blog as much as I did when I frequented that other social networking site that arguably started the "everyone must do it!" social networking craze - myspace. On facebook my blogs are announced to everyone who I am friends with, and its much easier for them to find it. On myspace, I was friends with less people who I didn't know that well, and I knew less of the people I was friends with would care to look at what I'd blogged.
Here, however, I feel the freedom to just write and not really bother so much with what anyone I know might think of me. I shouldn't worry so much about it, but really I do. And I think anyone who blogs would think it from time to time. How stifling to know that my friend from year 7 would read my deepest fears and silliest anecdotes if I told them. To those people who I barely know anymore I want to appear uncomplexly together and happy. To the people who want to know me, who can be bothered to read this or listen to whatever I say, they can read this and recognise it as very much a part of the real Amanda. Well, I hope so anyway.
I think I have well and truly exhausted my break time now.
Back to boxes; back to contemplating the importance of my stuff, my life, my space.

On Procrastinating 10 hours before the fact...
In 10 hours, my boyfriend, his parents and a trailer will be arriving at my house. In 10 hours, I should have a clean bathroom, an organised house with boxes at the ready, space to move and an idea of what should be going and what should, for now, be staying... However. I am at my blog. Refusing to move...
Really - students do it best.
What can I pass of as productive then? I mean, aside from posting 3 blogs in one day...
Here is a poem.
Hiding in the rafters,
I hear them scurry.
I don't know why,
but I know they must need something.
Lying down beside me
I hear him breathing -
but here's me
imagining a world into his mind.
Sitting on the pavement
Feel the warmth.
Feel my skin -
For a moment I know nothing but this.
Oooooh. Good poem. (I feel like I'm talking to a dog). Stay poem - uh! - staaaaay. Good poem. Keep existing and making sense. I'll come back and check on you tomorrow to see if you're still a good poem, before I decide whether or not to keep you, or take you back to the pound.
Really - students do it best.
What can I pass of as productive then? I mean, aside from posting 3 blogs in one day...
Here is a poem.
Hiding in the rafters,
I hear them scurry.
I don't know why,
but I know they must need something.
Lying down beside me
I hear him breathing -
but here's me
imagining a world into his mind.
Sitting on the pavement
Feel the warmth.
Feel my skin -
For a moment I know nothing but this.
Oooooh. Good poem. (I feel like I'm talking to a dog). Stay poem - uh! - staaaaay. Good poem. Keep existing and making sense. I'll come back and check on you tomorrow to see if you're still a good poem, before I decide whether or not to keep you, or take you back to the pound.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
An old blog...
A long time ago ... three years I believe... I had another blogspot blog. I have no idea how I came to have so many, mind you, but I did. This one can be located here. The last post I wrote went something like this...
so to (once again) retaliate (even though its not so much a retaliation as an act of sugar induced randomness), i am now going to argue about the fact that the moon is made of cheese.
The propostion that the moon is, in actual fact, made of cheese is one which upon first viewing, seems somewhat preposterous. I mean, it is an accepted scientific fact that the moon is as most moons are, made of rock and other such normal satellite materials. However, I believe that I can prove this wrong following several totally logical (perhaps to begin with... we'll see) arguments, the conclusions of which you shan't be able to deny.
My first premise is one which needs to be stated in order to answer the obvious objection that man has visited the moon, found it to be rock-like (i.e., un-cheesy), and that this is fact. Yes, I have seen the footage, yes I saw the "hubub" surrounding the take off, the landing and all that. But I have also seen a television program which proposes a conspiracy theory. "Man never landed on the moon" is its claim, and they have some convincing arguments. Mainly in the form of evidence surrounding the visit. One which I find rather unnerving is the presence of cross hairs in photographs on the moon. Simply and quickly put, cross hairs in the lense of a camera will always show up in the resulting pictures on TOP of the image captured, just as your finger, if placed in front of the lens, will obscure the view. In several pictures from the moon, which were supposedly "untampered", the cross hairs are obscured by images taken by the camera. Without tampering, this is simply impossible.
Perhaps more convincing however, are the shots (again "untampered" with) which show the moon-walkers exiting and moving around the space shuttle. They are clearly illuminated. The problem with this is that they are behind the space shuttle, that is, the shuttle is in between the sun and the moon-walkers. Now given that the only source of light on the moon, is the sun, how could this possibly be? Shadow and the bending of light is one thing, but clear illumination, and in fact (if I remember correctly) reflection, is a completely different, and somewhat impossible... well, thing.
So yeah. My argument begins with the premise that mankind has not actually visited the moon. So how do I get from that to the fact that the moon is made of cheese. I have two compelling points.
Compelling Point Number 1.
Once I saw another TV program which was called "Wallace and Gromit". In this documentary style show following the adventures of a man and his dog, a trip to the moon is filmed which contains footage of Wallace and his dog Gromit eating the moon, which is made of cheese. They even put it on crackers!
Compelling Point Number 2.
I have thought this through thoroughly and have decided that if I were the moon, what would I like to be made of? No, not harsh icky rocks. No, not dirty icky mud. No, water is nice, but a bit boring... What then? And the answer is clear. Cheese.
Compelling Conclusion Number 1.
The moon is quite obviously made of cheese. All evidence of the "rockness" and "non-cheesy" nature of the moon given by scientists and NASA is false, because they have fabricated their moon exploration trips (yes I only had points against the first, but I'm sure if given evidence I could disprove the others too). Clearly, the only people to have visited the moon sucessfully are Wallace and Gromit (although Gromit isn't technically covered by the term "people", he is given an honorary human title because he is really rather intelligent don't you think?) who we can see in real footage eating the moon, and finding it cheesy. Also, Amanda would like to be cheese, if she were the moon. What further evidence is needed, really?
More Realistic Conclusion Number 1.
Amanda is a strange lady who has too much time on her hands. She consumes too much sugar and watches too much television. Her theories about the moon are obviously flawed and do not rely on objective or reputable evidence and she uses fallacy and fantasy as premises to a conclusion nowhere near forced by the argument. She has an unnatural liking of cheese.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
so ben made a blog with his friend john where they debate stuff. yes, i know, its a good idea. BUT i'm jealous. you remember how jealous and left out i get? well, its happened to (once again) retaliate (even though its not so much a retaliation as an act of sugar induced randomness), i am now going to argue about the fact that the moon is made of cheese.
The propostion that the moon is, in actual fact, made of cheese is one which upon first viewing, seems somewhat preposterous. I mean, it is an accepted scientific fact that the moon is as most moons are, made of rock and other such normal satellite materials. However, I believe that I can prove this wrong following several totally logical (perhaps to begin with... we'll see) arguments, the conclusions of which you shan't be able to deny.
My first premise is one which needs to be stated in order to answer the obvious objection that man has visited the moon, found it to be rock-like (i.e., un-cheesy), and that this is fact. Yes, I have seen the footage, yes I saw the "hubub" surrounding the take off, the landing and all that. But I have also seen a television program which proposes a conspiracy theory. "Man never landed on the moon" is its claim, and they have some convincing arguments. Mainly in the form of evidence surrounding the visit. One which I find rather unnerving is the presence of cross hairs in photographs on the moon. Simply and quickly put, cross hairs in the lense of a camera will always show up in the resulting pictures on TOP of the image captured, just as your finger, if placed in front of the lens, will obscure the view. In several pictures from the moon, which were supposedly "untampered", the cross hairs are obscured by images taken by the camera. Without tampering, this is simply impossible.
Perhaps more convincing however, are the shots (again "untampered" with) which show the moon-walkers exiting and moving around the space shuttle. They are clearly illuminated. The problem with this is that they are behind the space shuttle, that is, the shuttle is in between the sun and the moon-walkers. Now given that the only source of light on the moon, is the sun, how could this possibly be? Shadow and the bending of light is one thing, but clear illumination, and in fact (if I remember correctly) reflection, is a completely different, and somewhat impossible... well, thing.
So yeah. My argument begins with the premise that mankind has not actually visited the moon. So how do I get from that to the fact that the moon is made of cheese. I have two compelling points.
Compelling Point Number 1.
Once I saw another TV program which was called "Wallace and Gromit". In this documentary style show following the adventures of a man and his dog, a trip to the moon is filmed which contains footage of Wallace and his dog Gromit eating the moon, which is made of cheese. They even put it on crackers!
Compelling Point Number 2.
I have thought this through thoroughly and have decided that if I were the moon, what would I like to be made of? No, not harsh icky rocks. No, not dirty icky mud. No, water is nice, but a bit boring... What then? And the answer is clear. Cheese.
Compelling Conclusion Number 1.
The moon is quite obviously made of cheese. All evidence of the "rockness" and "non-cheesy" nature of the moon given by scientists and NASA is false, because they have fabricated their moon exploration trips (yes I only had points against the first, but I'm sure if given evidence I could disprove the others too). Clearly, the only people to have visited the moon sucessfully are Wallace and Gromit (although Gromit isn't technically covered by the term "people", he is given an honorary human title because he is really rather intelligent don't you think?) who we can see in real footage eating the moon, and finding it cheesy. Also, Amanda would like to be cheese, if she were the moon. What further evidence is needed, really?
More Realistic Conclusion Number 1.
Amanda is a strange lady who has too much time on her hands. She consumes too much sugar and watches too much television. Her theories about the moon are obviously flawed and do not rely on objective or reputable evidence and she uses fallacy and fantasy as premises to a conclusion nowhere near forced by the argument. She has an unnatural liking of cheese.
My Opinion on Meat.
My opinion on meat is wholly hypocritical and laughable. On the one hand I fully believe that animals deserve the same respect as humans. They deserve to live and then die of whatever kills them in the natural world - sickness, disaster, accident or old age. They don't deserve to be viewed for various reasons as a food source to humans.
"Truely man is the king of beasts, for his brutality exceeds theirs. We live by the death of others: we are burial places! ... the time will come when men such as I will look on the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of men." ~Leonardo da Vinci.
I guess part of the question is the concept of consciousness. How can we deem it unlawful, immoral and abhorrent to kill another human being, based on the inherent values we beleive present in them, when we deem it normal, mundane and necessary to kill animals? Is it because we value our own consciousness as more superior, more important and more real than an animals? How arrogant are we to presume that we are the only species on this planet to be part of consciousness? How arrogant are we to presume that what we call emotion, thought and compassion - definitively human attributes by most peoples assumtions - are purely the domain of the human mind?
On the other hand - I have been brought up to consider meat a staple part of my diet to such an extent that I cannot picture my life without it. Sure, I don't actually eat meat that often if you look at my current week's diet. But that isn't because of the moral considerations I mentioned above, but more to do with my restricted budget and inability to cook well. My Dad introduced me to a love of steak. I am proud that I eat steak no less than rare. I can't stand it if it is cooked "medium" -even worse if its "well done"! Horror! It is grey and tastes like ... well, grey! Bleh. I love chicken. I love love ham, or even more prosciutto! mmmm...
But this is mostly because I have divorced the concept of meat from the concept of animal, and this is something I think that most people have been taught to do. We love our animals, and most people I know have pets, or have had pets that they love as much as they love any person. Yet, we don't see "cute Daisy the cow from the nursery book" when we look at a piece of meat - we see steak.
This is something I think I might try to address in my own life. I want to slowly ween myself off meat. I know my Dad will think I am crazy ... I know my boyfriend will complain that I'm not eating proper meals ... but I think I have to do it.
I can no longer ignore the fact that my belief systems, and my moral stance don't allign with my actual everyday life and practice. I cannot go on about consciousness and the interconnectedness of all life forms, matter, etc., if I am happy to allow animals to be cruelly killed.
If I'm craving steak, chicken, ham etc., I should watch "Meet your Meat" again and remember that the meat I want to enjoy is procured via horrific means, that do not in any way grant the respect I believe entitled to animals.
So if I'm that desperate for a steak, I really should go out, find a cow and see if I can bring myself to kill it. And lets face it - that's never going to happen. My cat once caught a bird and played with it for a while before leaving it dying on the porch for me to find. No one else was home so I called Mum and asked what she thought I should do. She told me to do the right thing and put it out of its misery rather than leave it dying, waiting for death or the cat to come back and torture it some more. She told me to just find a brick and drop it on the bird... But I couldn't even do that. Even when it would have benefitted the bird... I couldn't. Mum had to come home and do it for me...
So... that, my friends, is my long winded discussion on my opinion on meat... Want to know what got me thinking about it? A lovely chap from Durham in England by the name of Johnny. Watch his video here.
"Truely man is the king of beasts, for his brutality exceeds theirs. We live by the death of others: we are burial places! ... the time will come when men such as I will look on the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of men." ~Leonardo da Vinci.
I guess part of the question is the concept of consciousness. How can we deem it unlawful, immoral and abhorrent to kill another human being, based on the inherent values we beleive present in them, when we deem it normal, mundane and necessary to kill animals? Is it because we value our own consciousness as more superior, more important and more real than an animals? How arrogant are we to presume that we are the only species on this planet to be part of consciousness? How arrogant are we to presume that what we call emotion, thought and compassion - definitively human attributes by most peoples assumtions - are purely the domain of the human mind?
On the other hand - I have been brought up to consider meat a staple part of my diet to such an extent that I cannot picture my life without it. Sure, I don't actually eat meat that often if you look at my current week's diet. But that isn't because of the moral considerations I mentioned above, but more to do with my restricted budget and inability to cook well. My Dad introduced me to a love of steak. I am proud that I eat steak no less than rare. I can't stand it if it is cooked "medium" -even worse if its "well done"! Horror! It is grey and tastes like ... well, grey! Bleh. I love chicken. I love love ham, or even more prosciutto! mmmm...
But this is mostly because I have divorced the concept of meat from the concept of animal, and this is something I think that most people have been taught to do. We love our animals, and most people I know have pets, or have had pets that they love as much as they love any person. Yet, we don't see "cute Daisy the cow from the nursery book" when we look at a piece of meat - we see steak.
This is something I think I might try to address in my own life. I want to slowly ween myself off meat. I know my Dad will think I am crazy ... I know my boyfriend will complain that I'm not eating proper meals ... but I think I have to do it.
I can no longer ignore the fact that my belief systems, and my moral stance don't allign with my actual everyday life and practice. I cannot go on about consciousness and the interconnectedness of all life forms, matter, etc., if I am happy to allow animals to be cruelly killed.
If I'm craving steak, chicken, ham etc., I should watch "Meet your Meat" again and remember that the meat I want to enjoy is procured via horrific means, that do not in any way grant the respect I believe entitled to animals.
So if I'm that desperate for a steak, I really should go out, find a cow and see if I can bring myself to kill it. And lets face it - that's never going to happen. My cat once caught a bird and played with it for a while before leaving it dying on the porch for me to find. No one else was home so I called Mum and asked what she thought I should do. She told me to do the right thing and put it out of its misery rather than leave it dying, waiting for death or the cat to come back and torture it some more. She told me to just find a brick and drop it on the bird... But I couldn't even do that. Even when it would have benefitted the bird... I couldn't. Mum had to come home and do it for me...
So... that, my friends, is my long winded discussion on my opinion on meat... Want to know what got me thinking about it? A lovely chap from Durham in England by the name of Johnny. Watch his video here.
da vinci,
Going places...
Today I went places. The first place was work. The second place was shopping. Thus, I shall divide this blog into two corresponding parts... logical aren't I? ^.^
Part One - the journey to work.
This part could also be titled "The Journey to the bus stop, the journey home, the journey to the bus stop, and then to work." I guess put succinctly like that it doesn't seem that interesting ... but it sure annoyed me so I'll blog it. Plus it gives me bonus blonde points...
This morning, I drove back to my house near Adelaide from the Barossa in order to go to work in the Chocolate shop. I got ready, swapped my stuff into a better bag, and remembered my keys, my diary and all the important stuff. I even packed a water bottle! So I trundled down to the bus stop, a little early, but early is better than late. 15 minutes later, I arrived at the stop, sat down and checked my bag for my lip balm. This is when I realised that I had left my wallet at home... *sigh*.
I guess I was early... but if you know me well, you'll know I hate HATE being late. To me, not running early is running late. So this wasn't good. Nevertheless I had no choice so I walked back home, grabbed my wallet, and walked to the bus stop again. My little walk of 15 minutes turned into almost 45... which is considerable for an unfit woman unfond of the sun.
Oh well ... you'll be pleased to know that I still arrived early. :-P
Part two - the journey to the Plaza
After work today I caught a new and scary bus. Well, to be fair most Adelaide buses are scary, while most of them are certainly - definitively - NOT new... I mean I caught a bus that I am not used to catching. I caught an o-bahn, otherwise known as the "super dooper fast scary" ones that zip along tracks towards the Tea Tree Plaza area.
Once there (the trip wasn't that scary ... except I had no idea when my stop was going to come up...) I went shopping! This is very exciting for me. I don't do that very often, but my good friend Karalee, who is also a very talented photographer, asked me to help her pick out some clothes to add to her collection of "professional photograph lady" attire. It was very fun! And ... maybe I bought myself a pretty little top... to add to my "I'm a professional damnit" collection.
oh you can't really see it well here can you? my camera died and now all i have is my isight camera which isn't so good for shots of my top on account of terrible lighting limitations...
ah ... you can kind of see the detail there. Isn't it pretty? Ruffles, buttons and pattern! Just what I was looking for. ^.^
So there you have it.
My day.
In most of its gloriousness... of course there were bits in the middle where I was at work. But that just consisted of me trying to do ribboning ... and failing about 30 times before finally doing an OK job. Oh, and eating a bit of chocolate too...
Wow. What an exciting life I lead.
Perhaps I should blog less about my life, and more about topics. That would be more interesting. But less narcisistc... and we can't have that!
Or maybe we will?
We shall see...
Oh January - such realms of possibility...
Part One - the journey to work.
This part could also be titled "The Journey to the bus stop, the journey home, the journey to the bus stop, and then to work." I guess put succinctly like that it doesn't seem that interesting ... but it sure annoyed me so I'll blog it. Plus it gives me bonus blonde points...
This morning, I drove back to my house near Adelaide from the Barossa in order to go to work in the Chocolate shop. I got ready, swapped my stuff into a better bag, and remembered my keys, my diary and all the important stuff. I even packed a water bottle! So I trundled down to the bus stop, a little early, but early is better than late. 15 minutes later, I arrived at the stop, sat down and checked my bag for my lip balm. This is when I realised that I had left my wallet at home... *sigh*.
I guess I was early... but if you know me well, you'll know I hate HATE being late. To me, not running early is running late. So this wasn't good. Nevertheless I had no choice so I walked back home, grabbed my wallet, and walked to the bus stop again. My little walk of 15 minutes turned into almost 45... which is considerable for an unfit woman unfond of the sun.
Oh well ... you'll be pleased to know that I still arrived early. :-P
Part two - the journey to the Plaza
After work today I caught a new and scary bus. Well, to be fair most Adelaide buses are scary, while most of them are certainly - definitively - NOT new... I mean I caught a bus that I am not used to catching. I caught an o-bahn, otherwise known as the "super dooper fast scary" ones that zip along tracks towards the Tea Tree Plaza area.
Once there (the trip wasn't that scary ... except I had no idea when my stop was going to come up...) I went shopping! This is very exciting for me. I don't do that very often, but my good friend Karalee, who is also a very talented photographer, asked me to help her pick out some clothes to add to her collection of "professional photograph lady" attire. It was very fun! And ... maybe I bought myself a pretty little top... to add to my "I'm a professional damnit" collection.

So there you have it.
My day.
In most of its gloriousness... of course there were bits in the middle where I was at work. But that just consisted of me trying to do ribboning ... and failing about 30 times before finally doing an OK job. Oh, and eating a bit of chocolate too...
Wow. What an exciting life I lead.
Perhaps I should blog less about my life, and more about topics. That would be more interesting. But less narcisistc... and we can't have that!
Or maybe we will?
We shall see...
Oh January - such realms of possibility...
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Being in 2009...
I can't believe its 2009. Its so futuristic... I mean, I finished primary school a decade ago! (Yes, that does make me young...)
Also I turn 23 this year. Holy crap. That means I'm well into being an adult. Its my fifth year out of highschool. Its amazing. Although... I really feel like I should be doing more in 2009.
This will be my first year not studying - my first year out of University. I feel that I get alot of my sense of meaning from study. Its what I know, and what I am good at. Sure, I am also pretty good at customer service, I'm a good listener... I like writing and being creative etc., etc., but really, what I've always made a big part of my identity is "school" - learning, studying, writing, reading, being academic-like and what not.
It will be interesting to see how long I can last without it. If I will be able to fracture my strong association with study from my sense of self. I mean, I am much more than what I'm learning. I am much more than a student!
If you think about it, I probably should have looked in to teaching, or some kind of involvement with education, because I guess I do have passion for it. However, without any subjects taken at Uni that are taught at Highschool level, I've kind of limited my options.
Anyway. This year I have to focus on different things. Study can become a hobby. I have to focus on saving to buy a house... I have to focus on getting a job that I enjoy, and that is somewhat related to my abilities.
I have to focus on maintaining my relationship. I've been with Nannal for over 3 years now, and both new and old insecurities are starting to come in again. We've been together so long, that I worry he's getting bored with me, annoyed with me ... wanting to get with someone new, different and less... well, crazy. Then on the other hand I worry that I'm just with him because... I'm with him. Shouldn't my 20s be a time for experimenting and branching out? Of course, I'm with him because I love him. I find him entertaining and challenging (in good and bad ways). I find him sexy! I find him adorable. THAT is why I'm with him. But it doesn't stop the "I wonder if..." impulse.
PLUS - I have to focus on getting to know my new nephew, due in late March, early April! Sure, he won't have much to say for the first year or so, but I'm sure he'll let me know him well enough via other means.
So ... I'm going to stop blogging now, and start looking at random options on the internet. Maybe I should volunteer for a while? Maybe I should start writing creatively again? ...
Who knows?
Welcome to 2009, the future- though it looks much the same as the past.
Also I turn 23 this year. Holy crap. That means I'm well into being an adult. Its my fifth year out of highschool. Its amazing. Although... I really feel like I should be doing more in 2009.
This will be my first year not studying - my first year out of University. I feel that I get alot of my sense of meaning from study. Its what I know, and what I am good at. Sure, I am also pretty good at customer service, I'm a good listener... I like writing and being creative etc., etc., but really, what I've always made a big part of my identity is "school" - learning, studying, writing, reading, being academic-like and what not.
It will be interesting to see how long I can last without it. If I will be able to fracture my strong association with study from my sense of self. I mean, I am much more than what I'm learning. I am much more than a student!
If you think about it, I probably should have looked in to teaching, or some kind of involvement with education, because I guess I do have passion for it. However, without any subjects taken at Uni that are taught at Highschool level, I've kind of limited my options.
Anyway. This year I have to focus on different things. Study can become a hobby. I have to focus on saving to buy a house... I have to focus on getting a job that I enjoy, and that is somewhat related to my abilities.
I have to focus on maintaining my relationship. I've been with Nannal for over 3 years now, and both new and old insecurities are starting to come in again. We've been together so long, that I worry he's getting bored with me, annoyed with me ... wanting to get with someone new, different and less... well, crazy. Then on the other hand I worry that I'm just with him because... I'm with him. Shouldn't my 20s be a time for experimenting and branching out? Of course, I'm with him because I love him. I find him entertaining and challenging (in good and bad ways). I find him sexy! I find him adorable. THAT is why I'm with him. But it doesn't stop the "I wonder if..." impulse.
PLUS - I have to focus on getting to know my new nephew, due in late March, early April! Sure, he won't have much to say for the first year or so, but I'm sure he'll let me know him well enough via other means.
So ... I'm going to stop blogging now, and start looking at random options on the internet. Maybe I should volunteer for a while? Maybe I should start writing creatively again? ...
Who knows?
Welcome to 2009, the future- though it looks much the same as the past.
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